Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) was developed by Dr. Gunn in the 70’s. The treatment utilizes acupuncture needles to treat acute and chronic pain of neuropathic origin. The needles penetrate muscle tissue deeply to target injured muscles that have become shortened from injury. This releases the muscles to decrease the pain the in area.
Gokavi Transverse Technique (GTT)
Gokavi Transverse Technique (GTT) is a dry needling technique to aid in the treatment and management of myofascial pain release. The dry needling technique is performed transversely to release the trigger point, allowing the muscle to lengthen and thus decreasing spasm and pain.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Some acupuncturists believe in a Life Energy called Qi (pronounced chi) which is present in every living creature. This energy travels throughout the body in pathways called Meridians. If there is a disharmony in the body, for example the Qi is not flowing or is at low levels, this causes pain and illness. With the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture technique, practitioners work to harmonize the body and restore the flow of Qi.
Other acupuncturists believe that as a whole, the needles stimulate muscles, nerves, and connective tissues to increase the amount of certain biological chemicals that promote healing and pain relief.